Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4, 2008 Independence Day

Day 6

Volleyball started today at 8:00 A.M. The girls played two consecutive games and then had to referee a game, then they played a final game at 10:30 A.M.
I don't know their final placing.

Here are some final stats of the tournament that I have...
Over 10,000 players
35 States represented from 3 countries
1200 coaches
9000 parents
350 volunteer and staff

Reno Day 5

Day 5 at Reno was an off day from volleyball for the girls. Some of them went to the mall, some of them just hung out with parents, and some of them were invited to Incline Village on Lake Tahoe. There, they got to go out on the lake in a power boat and tried their luck at wake boarding. They had a barbecue and just chilled until their return time back at the dorms.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reno Day 4

We started the day off at the Olive Garden for lunch.
We then headed across the street to the mall!
Volleyball started today at 4:00 pm and we finished at 10:00 pm
Trunk going up for the KILL!!!
Like I mentioned earlier in the week, this is a huge undertaking to put this tournament on. The support services are all in place and they are ready for about any situation that may arise. Here is ice and water ready to be taken to the different courts.
This is where the kids that need to be iced down or need to be taped up are seen.