Well, it's tax time for us again. We have been having our taxes done in Los Osos, on the Central Coast of California since the early eighties.
The trip over from the San Joaquin Valley was cloudy with scattered rain showers.
The rolling hills were green, green, green.
The trip home had clear skies and temperatures in the low 70's
Morro Rock State Historic Landmark was formed about 23 million years ago from the plugs of long-extinct volcanoes. Member of the “Nine Sisters” of volcanic plugs. Home of nesting Peregrine Falcons.
Morro Bay
“Morro” is the Spanish name for crown. Named “El Morro” by Portuguese Explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo in 1542.

“Morro” is the Spanish name for crown. Named “El Morro” by Portuguese Explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo in 1542.

Nipomo is located at the foot of the hills of the Temetate Ridge. Appropriately, the name Nipomo is derived from the Chumash Indian word " Nepomah", meaning "the foot of the hills".

Love you...
*Adimtted confession, all the pictures in this last post were lifted from the internet and are not my own. I forgot the battery to my camera and was not able to take my own pictures.
I'm not buyin' it. I'll bet that steak was the best part of weekend!
Ahhh - the annual "Breed & Feed" - you guys have been having those forever! Loved the pictures - even though they weren't really YOURS. ;)
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